
For my own sanity, new scenes are not mentioned in the changelog.

- Missed caching of CSS, disabled that too. It works off of a timestamp now, should still be cached but now won't miss newer versions.

- Added an indicator for stories which are still in progress.
- Made all scene URLs more human-friendly to read. (hopefully this is the only time ever I have to change all URLs, I'm pretty happy with the final result.)
- Removed local caching. (At the moment the entire website weighs less than 1/10th of a megabyte and caching can prevent you from seeing new stories. I will re-enable it in the future for any not-just-text pages.)

- There is now a changelog. (hello)
- Navigation buttons, next and previous scene can be accessed directly from the scene you're on.
- The return button now displays the story and scene number corresponding to the table of contents.
- Feedback form.
- Glued together a quick fix of inconsistently scaling page elements on mobile devices, proper fix coming soon.